Role: Programme Manager

Main Duties

  • Oversee direction of Guisra ensuring it maintains its core aims
  • Lead assembly while ensuring a democratic structure as per the core aims
  • Organise and Chair meetings
  • Produce agenda for meetings in advance and in discussion with membership
  • Ensure delivery of minutes for meetings
  • Mentor Project Leaders in how to deliver  
  • Promote Guisra and Guisra projects
  • Work with other groups to promote and enhance Guisborough
  • Programme manage all projects to ensure they are progressing well
  • Actively work to grow Guisra to represent residents of Guisborough


Voted position so experience is only relevant with regards to what the membership value. Candidates for the role will present a proposal detailing why they should be selected. Service to the town is obviously a key factor.

Term of Office and Election Procedure

The present term will expire on 30th of August 2024. Invites to submit candidacy will be in the 1st week of June 2024 and Voting will open from the 2nd week of June 2024. The present Programme Manager will oversee the setting up of the voting, but will not manage the process once started.

  • The term of a newly elected Programme Manager will be 2 years.
  • Voting will be online.
  • Voters must have been a member of Guisra for 3 months (prior to 14th March 2024) to be eligible to vote.
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