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      001Create safe cycle routes in Guisborough
      002Create a better pedestrian experience
      003Road Safety improvements
      004Goodbye Wheelie Bins
      005Major review of parking options
      006Create a positive experience for disabled people in the town
      007Create a better car user experience

      Guisra stands for Guisborough Residents Assembly

      Guisra is an assembly of Guisborough residents that ensures the improvement of the town by:

      • Producing a portfolio of changes that are needed
      • Managing the portfolio to ensure it identifies our priorities and outlines how we see them being achieved
      • Produces discussion documents to work with the council to meet resident needs
      • Ensures the council meets resident needs in a way the residents desire rather than what the council thinks best
      • Is proactive in forcing change rather than being reactive
      • Produces town budgets
      • Supports activities in the town that improve the facilities Producing a portfolio of changes that are needed
      • Managing the portfolio to ensure it identifies our priorities and outlines how we see them being achieved
      • Produces discussion documents to work with the council to meet resident needs
      • Ensures the council meets resident needs in a way the residents desire rather than what the council thinks best
      • Is proactive in forcing change rather than being reactive
      • Produces town budgets
      • Supports activities in the town that improve the facilities
      • Listen to resident associations to understand issues impacting residents
      • And much, much more as the assembly decides together
      • Guisra has no intention of being a pleasant place for councillors to come and nod their heads sympathetically and then go away and come up with a solution based on what they think is possible
      • We won’t be a marketing tool for councillors at election time
      • Guisra will not approach the council with requests based on ill-defined projects and policies. We will democratically agree what we want and we will understand as well if not better than the council what is needed to achieve it
      • Councillors can prove their value to the town by being seen to do so by Guisra members. We will not endorse any candidates

      Resident associations tend to have a different role to play in the community. They are more likely to represent the needs of a parish, estate, or community within a town. Also they are more aligned to bringing issues to their representative councillor with the hope of getting some kind of resolution. They may also be involved in organising community events.

      There are cases of associations standing candidates in local elections and in fact they have around 88 councillors at borough / city / district level.

      As an assembly we look to do much more than be an advisory group to representative politicians. As can be seen in our other answers we have a much more proactive and determining role to play. We do not foresee standing candidates as this would have us fall into the trap of sending representatives on our behalf for a 4-year period. This is the model we don’t wish to emulate. Our key role is to ensure the council is synchronised with the residents’ demands.

      Our Steering Committee is selected once per year. Those members of the committee stand for re-election each year but if there are more standing than places then members will be selected by sortition.A process of selecting committee members by lottery. See here for a more detailed explanation. Our constitution explains in more detail how Guisra will apply sortition.. For a more detailed description of how we will apply sortition and how our steering committee will operate see our Constitution and our Steering Committee Ways of Working.


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