Deliverable ID:
P000002 |
From Walkway to Sainsbury’s path enhancement |
2 |
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Point 1-2: Enfield Close to Hunters Hill Close is a mud narrow pathway where if two people meet on the path somebody has to move over on to the grass to let the other pass. It is well used and its condition during wet weather is very poor.
This pathway should be widened by 2 metres and tarmacked. It should have signage, indicating that it is a cycle and pedestrian route, at both the Enfield Chase and Hunters Hill Close end. The sign at Hunters Hill Close should also indicate the Sainsbury’s path as a cycle and pedestrian way. It should also have lighting at 3 points along the route. The poor condition can be seen in figure 1 after light rain.
Point 2-3: From Hunters Hill Cl to Sainsbury should be 2 metres wider where space allows and to the stream should there not be enough space. It should be tarmacked to a high quality finish with a yellow border. The quality is extremely poor as seen in figure 2.
When you reach the slope down to the bridge the condition is much worse and probaly dangerous on a commuter type bike. Where the rain has run down the slope it has created a groove that has loose gravel on its edge (see figure 3). This not only needs widening and tarmacking but also reviewing to see if the slope can be made more gradual.
The stretch needs to be well lit at night, particularly in the autumn and winter.
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