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Create suitable path from Walkway to Rugby club



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Point 1 on map: Presently to get from the embankment (walkway) to the Rugby club you have to negotiate some very steep steps which are in very poor condition. This is a shame because there is a popular path at the base of the steps that leads all the way to Rectory Lane. The pathway is very popular for people to walk to the embankment but is in poor condition. The steps are so steep and of a poor quality that they could not be used to take a pushchair up or down safely. Anybody with issues walking would have great difficulty with the steps and those using a disability scooter are completely excluded from this route. The only alternative is to go all the way to Butt Lane, follow it to Whitby Avenue and then to Bolton Way, which nobody would or should have to do.

Figure 1: Steps down
to Rugby club

The steps need to be replaced with a gentle slope possibly running parrallel with the embankment until it reachs the Rugby Club. This can come from either the Belmangate side or the Enfield side. The Belmangate side has fewer mature trees so may be the better option. By providing a slope to and from the Rugby club it also provides a route to and from Belmangate. The slope should clearly signpost that it provides access to the Town Centre and to Belmangate.

Point 2-3 on map: The pathway that runs in front of the Rugby club from the embankment to Rectory lane needs widening to use up the space available on each side. This would make it more suitable for the pushchairs, disability scooters and bikes.

Improved access to the path will encourage its usage by all groups and so the surface needs levelling and smoothing. It should be clearly marked at the Rectory Lane end as providing access to the Rugby club and the embankment.

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