
Deliverable ID:



Create cycle path adjacent to Butt Lane to Whitby Ave



Date Entered:



Figure 1: Path at
Butt Lane end

Point 12 on map: There is a path that runs along side Butt Lane. Unfortunately parts are in very poor condition and other parts are just grass that has been worn down because it is regularly used as a route to the embankment. Where it is tarmacked towards Whitby Avenue it is too narrow and though not being in too bad condition, it is far from perfect.

The path needs completing from Butt Lane to Whitby Avenue. It should be 2.5 metres wide and be tarmacked to a high quality. Where the tree roots cross the pathway it should be built above if possible to avoid root damage or it should go round the obstacle if that is possible.

The route should have the usual signage and lighting if required and a number of benches.

Figure 2: Rough path
more a result of usage
than plan
Figure 3: Worn Grass
Figure 4: Looking up towards
path from Whitby Avenue

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