
Deliverable ID:



Traffic lights and crossing at Enfield Chase – Rectory lane junction



Date Entered:



Sub Category:

Right of Way

Submitted By:

Kelly Dounce


The junction at Enfield Way with Rectory lane is extremely difficult to safely negotiate whichever method of transport being used.

The design issues are:

  • Poor visibility joining Rectory Lane from Enfield Chase
  • Narrow roads make negotiating traffic dangerous
  • Grass verges at junction for all non-vehicular traffic to travel up Enfield Chase to Lidl in order to cross.
  • Drop down pavements do not align with park entrance opposite crossing of Rectory Lane
  • Crossing from Enfield side to park side is dangerous for pedestrians

The following change needs to be made to the junction.

  • Traffic lights with pelican crossings on Enfield Chase and Rectory Lane
  • Crossing on Rectory Lane to align with access to park

Crossings need to be wide enough for a mix of pedestrians, pushchairs, mobility scooters and bikes to cross at the same time to ensure access to enhancements to pathways on the park (see P00018).


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